Five signs that a brownie lives in your house. Tips for People Who Have Weird Things at Home Weird Things Happen at Home

There are a huge number of different signs of the presence of spirits and ghosts in the house, we will talk about the ten most important of them.

1. Strange smells.

One of the signs that your home may be occupied by a ghost is strange odors that you usually shouldn't smell. These smells can appear unexpectedly and as if from nowhere. The spirit may sometimes bring with it a smell that was familiar to it, such as the smell of a cigar or some exotic flower. Knowing that this smell does not come from something in the house helps to recognize the secret inhabitant of your home, which you never knew about before.

2. Strange dreams about people or places you are completely unfamiliar with.

If a ghost lives in your house, sometimes it can serve to cause you to have strange dreams and even nightmares about him. In a dream, you can see mysterious places that you have never been to, or people that you have never met before. All of these can be signs that the ghost is trying to get your attention and tell its story. You need to understand that sometimes these are the souls of people who died in some mysterious or violent way. To see such people in a dream, or the places in which these people were, is a sure sign that their energy imprints have remained in your house. You may find the history of your home in libraries and try to determine if what you read in the old newspaper news, in the library, in any way resembles what you saw in your dreams.

3. Feeling of persecution.

Some people may be more sensitive to ghosts than others, they may sense the constant presence of someone or something, feel as if they are being followed. Of course, you shouldn't completely rely on such sensations when determining that a house is haunted, but it can also be a sign. If you feel that someone or something is following you, haunting you, try to concentrate and pay attention if there are any other strange and mysterious things happening around you. Don't be afraid and try to explore all the paranormal around you. Sometimes, when people move into a new home, they are not left with the feeling that they are constantly being watched.

4. Feeling of heaviness in the air.

Some people are sensitive to changes in the energy field caused by the presence of a ghost or spirit in the house, and this sensation is akin to the feeling of heaviness in the air, which makes it difficult for a person to breathe. A sudden change in the air can be triggered by the appearance of a ghost or spirit in the house and is another sign that you are not alone in the house. People who are not hypersensitive to such phenomena may also notice this, because abrupt changes can make it difficult for a person to breathe. Usually, after cleansing a house or apartment or exorcism in more dangerous cases, people notice that the air becomes cleaner and lighter almost immediately after the ritual is completed.

5. Mysterious sounds.

Do you hear strange sounds or whispers, the origin of which cannot be explained? There are reasons for these sounds, and the reasons are spirits or ghosts trying to announce their presence. Naturally, sounds can be a consequence of other things, ordinary house sounds made by the wind blowing through a loosely closed window, a creak of a floorboard or some other household object, but knowing which sounds are common in your house and which are not can help in determining the reasons for their appearance. Most ghosts and spirits do not make sounds that can be heard by the human ear, and for this you need to have special equipment. Nevertheless, there are so-called aggressive ghosts that sometimes make frightening and even chilling sounds, scattering objects around.

6. Change in air temperature.

Sudden changes in air temperature around you can also be a good indicator that perfume is nearby. If, as you move around your home, you notice that some rooms are colder than others, or the air around you suddenly becomes colder, it is most likely not your cooling device. Sometimes the presence of the spirit around you can be noticed through a sharp cooling of the temperature of the air, and this is due to the fact that the spirit uses the energy accumulated in the place of its appearance to materialize. Sometimes you can pass through a very cold point in your home, although the temperature in the house should be normal. Naturally, if the cold breathed around you does not mean that you will meet face to face with the spirit, but it may be a sign of its presence.

7. Objects in the house move by themselves.

Some spirits like to move things around in your home when you are away. You will definitely notice it sooner or later when you return. If you are absolutely sure that this or that item in your house is not in place, and was not moved by you or your relatives, or guests who are at that moment in the house, then there is a possibility that it was moved by a spirit or ghost, in an attempt to inform you about your presence. Sometimes objects can move in your presence: doors open and close, things fall off the table. It is important to remember that any spirit capable of such tricks is likely not to be friendly to you.

8. Feeling that someone is touching you.

Someone touches you, but strangely there is no one nearby? It can also be a sign that a ghost has settled in the house. You involuntarily touch something or feel a light breeze around you, as if someone is touching you. Knowing exactly who it is and not getting into a premature panic. You may just feel the hair on the back of your head tickling you. However, if some marks are found on the body after such a touch, or scratches and bruises that you cannot explain, this may be an indicator of the presence of evil spirits and energies. If the situation escalates, you should investigate what is happening and find the most appropriate way to deal with this phenomenon, because this can be very dangerous.

9. Sudden change in mood and behavior.

Naturally less common, depending on various signs, a more aggressive ghost or spirit may be present in your home. These spirits may not be spirits, but demonic formations. Sometimes fear, anger, excitement and other emotions contained in a demonic creature can be transmitted to you, changing your mood and behavior. In more serious cases, the end result may be a demonic being inhabiting you. A person should always be afraid and protect others from such phenomena.

10. Seeing is believing.

And the last, but most important, sign of the presence of spirits and ghosts in your home, when you actually see them. Perfume can appear right in front of your nose. Human figures may appear or disappear in some cases. You can also watch how apparently ordinary people disappear right before your eyes. Such people can seem too pale, wounded, bloody. These people are not typical shadows and not a speck, from the corner of your eye, and most often they are the souls of people who died a violent death. Sometimes these souls will repeat the movements that they made right before death, often everything will be repeated over and over again, like a video recording. The souls of these people have already left, but the pictures of their presence and death were imprinted on the environment.

This does not mean a transitional state, when you have not yet turned on the heating and the room has not warmed up. We are talking about a lack of coziness and a feeling of coolness, although it would seem that for some time you were quite comfortable in your home. You try to escape from the apartment as quickly as possible and do not rush to return there. Guests also don't make you happy with frequent visits, and things start to go awry in your life. Add here also constant quarrels and showdowns, and it becomes clear that negative energy and incomprehensible entities circulate in your home.

The appearance of anxiety and fear

Strange thoughts constantly begin to visit you and, in general, you suddenly start to worry literally because of trifles, you are scared to be in your own apartment and you are sure that someone is watching you. This, of course, is not the most pleasant sensation, however, experts assure that in this way they are simply trying to convey some information to you or warn against some rash decisions.

Things wander in different places

Another sign that now you are not alone in the house - things start to appear in very unexpected places. Let's say you always store accessories in a certain place and never leave them anywhere. But suddenly one day you notice that, for example, your favorite ring is not in the box - and the search does not give any result. You will certainly be upset and after a while you will simply forget about your loss. And this is where the fun begins. As soon as you let go of the situation, you immediately find your ring, but in the place where you yourself would never leave it, for example, in the refrigerator, in the compartment for storing greens (yes, there was such a case too).

Insomnia and lack of sleep

Now we do not mean health problems, when insomnia is quite common. It is more about something else. For example, you are terribly tired and were already getting ready for bed, but as soon as you got into bed, all your fatigue took off like a hand, and instead of going to the country of Morpheus, you begin to sort out the events of the day, wind yourself up and worry about those events that have not happened yet. Or, say, instead of seeing ordinary dreams, like most people, you begin to seem to move in time and become a participant in certain events. Experts explain that often in this way someone is trying to give you a sign or some kind of hint that you must interpret yourself.

Withering indoor plants

Someone, of course, can write off this point to the fact that amateur gardeners, if they cannot properly care for the plants, should not plant flowers at home at all. After all, improper care can destroy even the most unpretentious plant, and this is true. However, if you are definitely confident in your abilities, and up to this moment you have grown a real jungle in your home, then you should clearly be alerted by the fact that now all your green pets simply die out of nowhere, and new plants do not take root at all ...

Rustles, creaks and other sounds

Admit it, you had it so that you seem to begin to hear incomprehensible rustles, rumblings, creaks, laughter or other sounds (for example, someone calls you by name, although you know for sure that you are alone in the house at the moment). No, you didn't imagine it, and you shouldn't immediately call the specialists. This is a clear sign that intruders have settled in your premises.

Strange pet behavior

Your pets, especially cats, are very sensitive to everything that happens in the apartment. If suddenly they begin to behave strangely (either gazing intently into emptiness, or like playing with someone invisible, or even hissing and growling), then a certain energy has definitely started up in your house that haunts your pets.

Probably, many people by the twenty-first century will no longer be surprised by the words: "Ghost", "Poltergeist", "Astral entities", "Spirits". For many, these are just words ... But not for those in whose apartments something supernatural has settled. For example, like in my apartment. Sometimes it seems to me that I live in a minefield. You never know if it's a cat rustling in the next room, or something else. Opening doors, strange sounds are just a few of the oddities in my life. (If someone is interested, I can make a separate post about my encounters with such phenomena, because now there is not much about it.) So, here are a few signs that uninvited guests have appeared in your house / apartment / room.

1. Perfect realism.

This category includes turning on / off light, opening and closing doors, moving any objects in front of your eyes, or during your absence, as well as the spontaneous movement of children's wind-up toys. By the way, frequent blinking of light can also be attributed to this category.

2. Tactile contact.

Many people feel like someone is touching them either in their sleep or before going to bed. At the same time, touches are light and soothing, and they are quite rough, like a slap in the face. Likewise, "entities" can barely perceptible nudge you.

3. Sound confusion and strange smells.

There are times when people, left alone in an apartment, hear inexplicable rustles, sounds, footsteps, stamping ... Many even hear snatches of phrases and their names. The situation is the same with smells. The smell of perfume, which you never had, etc., appears in the room by itself. At the same time, these smells disappear very quickly, as if they did not exist. For example, I very often smell wet gypsum in an apartment. And when I call someone, this smell is gone.

4. Black shadows

Very often, with peripheral vision, I notice a dark figure seeping past me. At the same time, when I move my gaze to this place, it is already empty ...

5. Loss of things and their subsequent return.

I think many have come across a similar case. Things are constantly borrowed by someone and then politely returns.

6. Unexplained animal behavior

In houses in which various entities are present, animals behave very restlessly. Cats can stare at one point for an hour, hiss into emptiness, fearfully run away from an empty corridor. And dogs can growl and rush into the void, thereby showing their courage.

7. "Inhospitable apartment"

I have had times when it seems the apartment itself refused to let me in home. You insert the key into the keyhole, and you realize that it does not turn. Once, twice. I took out a spare key and tried again. The same result. I walked around, spent about 10 minutes, decided to try it again. And lo and behold, the apartment deigned to let me in ...

Do things happen in your life that terribly scare you, or at least make you wary?

It is believed that the house in which the brownie lives is protected from evil people, damage and the evil eye. From time immemorial, this creature has settled only where there is order and where residents respect each other. But it happens that residents move out, leaving their brownie in the old place. New residents may not be to the liking of the domo, then strange things and troubles happen in the house. How to find out if there is a brownie in the house and how to make friends with him?

There are several signs that a brownie is living in the house.

  1. Pets (cats and dogs) sometimes behave strangely: they stare into space for a long time, as if they see something or begin to behave aggressively for no good reason. Animals subtly feel the presence of something otherworldly in the room.
  2. Strange sounds or noise. The brownie may smash dishes or stomp, thereby reminding you of his presence or wanting to punish you for disrespecting your home.
  3. Things in the house often go missing. The brownie can hide your personal belongings to teach a lesson about the mess in the house.
  4. Prophetic dreams are often seen or solutions to problems come in dreams. In this way, the brownie helps the tenants of the apartment pleasing to him.
  5. Light bulbs can often burn out and household appliances break down. This suggests that the brownie is dissatisfied with something.

Sometimes the brownie, on the contrary, manifests itself from the best side. For example, it can prevent accidents or protect against unwanted guests. If a person comes to visit you, and the dishes fall from his hands or, for example, tea is spilled, these are all the tricks of the brownie. In this way, he says that this person wishes you harm.

How can you make friends with the brownie so that he helps you and does not play pranks?

Firstly, The brownie loves that the house is always in order and cleanliness. Secondly, you must not leave dirty dishes overnight, this may not please the brownie. Thirdly, in order to make friends with the brownie, sometimes you need to treat him with sweets or milk, leaving the treat for the night under the dining table.

Respect the house in which you live, love it and take care of it, then prosperity, prosperity and health will be attracted to you. Good luck and don’t forget to press the buttons and

08.07.2014 10:09

It is believed that a brownie lives in every house. This is the spirit that is called to protect the house from troubles and misfortunes. Protection...

Brownies have always lived in people's homes. In the old days they believed that brownies are living creatures that protect our ...

There is a belief: if a cutlery falls on the floor, guests will soon appear in the house. It turns out that this brownie warns us about the appearance of intruders, and even indicates the gender of the guest: if a spoon falls, it is a woman, if a fork or knife is a man. Have you ever noticed that this belief is coming true? Are there other strange things happening in your house? Today we will learn how to determine where the brownie lives in the apartment.

First, let's figure out who the brownie is and why he lives in our apartment. Our ancestors were convinced that a house cannot do without a brownie, and a courtyard without a courtyard. The spirit that guarded the courtyard and possessions was called the courtyard, and the spirit that guarded the house was called the brownie. Someone thinks that the brownie has a wife and children. But no one ever felt their presence. Our distant ancestors believed that the protection of the house was completely dependent on the brownie. If the owner and the brownie have a good relationship, then no troubles are terrible for him.

Now let's try to figure out where the brownie lives in the apartment. The brownie's favorite place is the corners. This is where it is mainly located. And if you live in your own house, and there is a stove in it, then it is behind the stove that the brownie will take root. Our ancestors thought so.

How to determine whether a brownie lives in an apartment or not?

If you have pets in your apartment, observe their behavior. A cat or a dog can play with a brownie, because animals see what is hidden from human eyes. If your furry friend is jumping, running around the house, it is possible that he is playing with a brownie. You also need to listen to your inner feelings. If you feel bad and you ask for help, then the brownie will gladly go to meet you. If you have lost a valuable thing for you, then ask the brownie aloud for help. If a thing is found soon, it means that the brownie is patronizing your house.

How is it determined where the brownie lives in the apartment? As already mentioned, you should pay special attention to animals. Where do they most often play, where do they most often look. After all, they are looking at the brownie. If knives are constantly missing in the kitchen, dishes are beating, milk or jam is spilled, this means that the brownie has settled in the kitchen and does not like something. Perhaps there is a mess, or family quarrels take place in the kitchen. After all, the energy waste that remains after quarrels and insults does not disappear. We just don't see it, but the brownie walks on it, gets dirty, and gets angry with us. To determine if a brownie lives with you, observe what is happening in your house. If things are constantly disappearing, cutlery falls from the table, pets are restless, then you should think about what the housekeeper does not like. Maybe the apartment hasn't been cleaned for a long time? Or have family relationships ceased to be kind and trusting?

Many people ask themselves the question: how do I know if a brownie lives in my house? If there are no strange things happening in your apartment, then it may not live. And perhaps he lives, but does not make itself felt.

Someone claims that they can communicate with the brownie. And he helps him in difficult matters, advises, warns. If you do not practice such communication, then why would you believe in a brownie? Before the adoption of Christianity, when our ancestors were pagans, they believed in brownies, courtyards, and baths. But this does not mean that we also have to believe in all this. Therefore, to believe or not to believe in the brownie is your choice.

Suppose that strange things are happening in your apartment, and you are already ready to believe in the existence of a little shaggy old man. What to do if a brownie lives in the house? First, determine the nature of the brownie's action. Is he angry or worried about you? If the clothes disappear in the apartment, then the brownie asks you to put things in order, if the knives, then he is unhappy with family relations, if he comes to you at night and pinches you, then ask, for good or for worse, his night visit.

Brownies guard their home from bad guests. Let's say a work colleague comes to visit you. You, naturally, invited him to the table. If this person falls out of his hands a cup, he spills sugar or you drop something from their kitchen utensils, then the brownie warns you that the appearance of this person in the house does not bode well. Keep an eye on what's going on in your apartment. If you are doing everything right, the brownie will always warn you of a possible disaster.